Networking 101: The OSI Model
In the last couple of writeups, we talked about various things related to protocols, IP addresses, MAC Addresses, etc. We used the term layers and we talked about various layers like layer 2, layer 3, etc for various terms and protocols and addresses. Here's where all these layers lie and it is the model that comprises of and gives information about these layers. We are going to talk about the OSI Model. OSI stands for Open System Interconnection and as the name suggests OSI model sets standards for the systems that are open to communicating with other systems. Sometimes during technical discussions, a switch may be referred to as layer 2 or a router as layer 3 so it is extremely important to have a good idea about the OSI model. The OSI model comprises 7 layers. An easy way to remember them is a sentence that goes like A P enguin S aid T hat N obody D rinks P epsi. (Top to bottom order) (If you're a Pepsi lover please don't get offended this is just for the sake of reme...