
Showing posts from August, 2021

OWASP TOP 10 Explained

  Hello World! Through this write-up, I’ll try to educate you about OWASP and the OWASP top 10 Vulnerabilities for Web Applications. What is OWASP? OWASP stands for O pen W eb A pplication S ecurity P roject. What does OWASP do? The Internet has connected almost everything to the online world. From making a call to sending messages, making payments, sharing stories, making groups, creating a thread on any topic, and having opinions from various people across the globe and what not! The Internet has made the world a very small place it seems! Now, when you’re spending so much of your time on the internet, it's obvious that your data goes online wherever you sign up. Being a citizen of the modern world, every person who is connected to the internet must know that their data is their ultimate strength and weakness. If in the wrong hands, your data can be used in a way that you cannot even imagine in the wildest of your dreams! Moreover, the recent data breaches and cyber-attacks...