Hello Hackers! I hope you're doing well. This blog is a part of KeyCybr Internship. Recently I came across the TCS Hackquest Playground, and here I'll be giving an insight into the solution for the same. The link to register for the same is This playground is like a warm-up before the actual TCS Hackquest, which is probably scheduled for January 2022. Let's dive into the challenges. Challenge 1: Time to play with J.S. As you click on "Link here" you'll be redirected to a page that looks like You'll have to enter the value here to get the flag. Now, since there's nothing visible on the page, the fundamental thing that should strike you must be viewing the page source! As you visit the page source, you'll see The variable contains a base 64 string. On decoding it with the base 64 decoder You'll get submitthis: {text_to_be_submitted} As you submit the text and click on Retrieve the Flag, you'll rece...