Helping Rick find his ingredients: PICKLE RICK CTF

Hello Hackers, 

Today we are going to solve the challenge PICKLE RICK by TRYHACKME.

So the story goes like this:

Our friend Rick has turned into Pickle [Really don't know how he ended up being a Pickle :P] and our goal is to find him 3 Secret ingredients so that he can go back to his original form.

Let's jump into the CTF.

First things first 


We'll see this page as we put the IP address into our browser.

REMEMBER: Whenever you visit a webpage, don't forget to check the source code. Sometimes, developers leave sensitive information such as credentials in the form of comments.

You can either do Right-Click --> View page source or press Ctrl+u.

You'll see that the username is leaked in the source code of that page!

Now let's try to scan the ports and see if we find something interesting.

Command used: nmap -sV -A -T5 {ip}

You'll see that ports  22 & 80 are open.

Wait, can the username be for the ssh service?

Let's try it out.

Type ssh {username}@{ip}

You'll see that actually, it was not for ssh.

No worries, let's try to carry out directory brute force.

The tool used: ffuf
Command used: ffuf -w {path to wordlist} -u http://{ip}/FUZZ -mc 200,301

You can use any other tool such as Gobuster, dirb, etc.

We see that there are 3 directories available that are accessible.
Let's have a look at them 

The index page is the same as the homepage that we saw.


As you can see, that's surely not a normal robots.txt file because generally, it contains instructions for the pages that web crawlers are not allowed to crawl. This leads us to think that it might be the password!

Now we have the username as well as the password which makes it evident that there must be a login panel where we could put these credentials.

Let's check out the assets directory first and see if we find something interesting.

Nothing interesting in here :(

Coming back to the credentials, let's make some educated guesses about the name of the login panel.
It can be either login.html, sign in, admin.html, login.aspx, login.php etc.

You'll see that login.php is a correct guess.

Login by putting in the credentials.

You'll see a page like so.

Our NMAP results revealed that the webserver was Linux-based.

Let's try to execute some Linux commands.

Command used: ls

You'll see that there's a file named Sup3rS3cretPickl3Ingred.txt

Also, we have our assets directory here as well which means that our file is in the same directory as assets. So we put /Sup3rS3cretPickl3Ingred.txt after our IP address in the browser. 

Kudos! We just found out the first element.

Now, we also saw that there was a clue.txt file in the directory at the time of the ls command.

Let's open that up.


Well, we know what to do now. Looking in other directories!

Command used: pwd

So we're in the /var/www/html directory as of now.

Let's jump back to the main directory.

Command used: cd ../../../; ls

The ; is used to separate the two commands.

Let's move to the /home directory and see what's inside.

Command used: cd ../../../ ; cd /home ; ls

You'll see two directories. Rick and Ubuntu.

Let's see what's inside the Rick directory.

Command used: cd ../../../ ; cd /home/rick ; ls 

That's the file containing the second ingredient!

Unfortunately, the cat command is blocked :(

Don't worry just take the help of your friend GOOGLE.

We can make use of less command to fulfill our purpose.

Command used: cd ../../../ ; cd /home ; cd rick; less "second ingredients"

And there you have it! The second ingredient!

Let's hunt down the last ingredients as well. For this, you'll have to visit the root directory.

Type cd ../../../;  ls /root

That's what you'll see... An empty box!

Well since we're dealing with root, why not try sudo!

Command used: cd ../../../; sudo ls /root

You guessed it right! Our answer is in the 3rd.txt file.

Command used: cd ../../../ ; sudo less /root/3rd.txt

And that's it!

Congratulations! We've found all the three ingredients🎉

I hope Rick gets back to his original form soon. Until then cya!

Key Takeaways:

  • Have a habit of looking at the source code of the web pages.
  • Never miss out on making educated guesses.
  • Look for alternate commands if a particular command is blocked.

P.S Apologies for the blurry images😔. However, I hope that the content covered that up😄

If you like the content then do consider connecting with me and pour your knowledge into my DM!!😇

Instagram: bhavak_29




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